NiC IT Academy

Snowflake Interview Questions Set 02

Published On: 19 July 2024

Last Updated: 12 September 2024

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21. How does Snowflake handle data consistency in a distributed environment?

Snowflake ensures data consistency through transactional ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability). It uses a distributed and scalable architecture to maintain consistency.

22. Explain Snowflake’s support for streaming data.

Snowflake supports streaming data ingestion, allowing users to ingest real-time data. This is done through Snowpipe, which automatically loads streaming data into Snowflake tables.

23. Explain the difference between Snowflake and traditional databases?

Traditional databases are on-premise, while Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehousing platform. Snowflake also separates storage and compute, providing scalability and flexibility.

24. How does Snowflake support data sharing between different regions?

Snowflake supports cross-region data sharing, allowing organizations to share data across different geographic locations while maintaining compliance and security

25. What is Snowflake’s approach to handling schema changes?

Snowflake supports schema evolution, allowing users to alter tables and schemas without disrupting existing queries. This is done seamlessly and without downtime.

26. What is Snowflake’s approach to handling data governance?

Snowflake provides features for data governance, including metadata management, access controls, and audit logging, ensuring compliance and accountability.

27. Explain Snowflake’s time travel and how it is different from versioning.

Time Travel allows querying data at specific points in the past, whereas versioning involves creating and managing different versions of objects. Time Travel is more focused on data, while versioning is more general.

28. How does Snowflake handle semi-structured data like JSON?

Snowflake treats semi-structured data as a native data type, allowing users to query and analyze it without the need for preprocessing. JSON data can be queried using SQL.

29. What are Snowflake’s data sharing objects?

Snowflake data sharing objects include shares, share databases, and share schemas. These objects define the scope and level of data sharing between different accounts.

30. Explain Snowflake’s support for data masking.

Snowflake supports data masking to protect sensitive information. Data masking rules can be defined to control the level of data exposure based on user roles and privileges.

31. What is Snowflake’s approach to handling data deduplication?

Snowflake automatically handles data deduplication during data loading and storage, eliminating the need for manual deduplication processes.

32. How does Snowflake handle data replication for high availability?

Snowflake replicates data across multiple geographic regions to ensure high availability and disaster recovery. This replication is done automatically and transparently to the users.

33. Explain the Snowflake Snow pipe feature.

Snowpipe is a feature in Snowflake that allows for automatic, continuous data loading from external data sources such as cloud storage or streaming services. It simplifies the process of ingesting real-time data.

34. What is the role of Snowflake’s Metadata layer in its architecture?

The Metadata layer in Snowflake’s architecture manages metadata such as table schemas, user permissions, and query history. It plays a crucial role in coordinating queries and maintaining system state.

35. How does Snowflake handle data warehouse scaling?

Snowflake allows users to scale their data warehouse by adjusting the size of their virtual warehouses. This can be done dynamically based on the workload to ensure optimal performance.

36. Explain the concept of Snowflake’s multi-cluster, shared data architecture.

In Snowflake’s architecture, multiple compute clusters can simultaneously access and process data stored in a shared storage layer. This separation of compute and storage enables scalability and parallel processing.

37. What are Snowflake’s considerations for handling very large datasets?

Snowflake is designed to handle large datasets by leveraging distributed processing. Automatic partitioning, clustering, and indexing are used to optimize performance for very large datasets.

38. How does Snowflake handle data compaction?

Snowflake automatically performs data compaction as part of its maintenance processes. This involves reclaiming unused space and optimizing storage for improved efficiency.

39. Explain the role of Snowflake’s Result Set Caching.

Result Set Caching in Snowflake allows the system to store the results of frequently executed queries. When a similar query is run, Snowflake can retrieve the results from cache, improving query performance.

40. What is the difference between Snowflake and traditional data warehouses in terms of scaling?

Traditional data warehouses often require manual scaling, and performance may degrade under heavy loads. Snowflake, with its cloud-based architecture, allows for automatic and dynamic scaling to handle varying workloads.


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