NiC IT Academy

SQL Tutorial – Day – 09

Published On: 18 September 2024

Last Updated: 18 September 2024

No Responses

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— same structured table

1. Union

— It will remove duplicate

2. Union ALL

— It will not remove duplicate
— It will be executed faster

3. Intersect

— Common record between both tables

4. Minus

— Differences


select * from s_customer_union1;

1000 Ramesh 32 7878787878 CHROMPET 30
1002 Vijay 26 1234567892 medavakkam 20
1003 Ajith 42 9875647661 Pallavaram 10
1004 Vishal 24 7878707878 Adyar 50

select * from s_customer_union2;
1000 Ramesh 32 7878787878 CHROMPET 30
1005 Bhuvana 23 34325435 medavakkam 20
1003 Ajith 42 9875647661 Pallavaram 10

select * from s_customer_union2
select * from s_customer_union1;

create table emp_union_2 as select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,
salary,department_id from employees where salary >15000;

select * from EMP_UNION_1;

select * from EMP_UNION_2;

select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,salary,department_id from EMP_UNION_1
select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,salary,department_id from EMP_UNION_2;

select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,salary,department_id from EMP_UNION_1
union all
select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,salary,department_id from EMP_UNION_2;

select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,salary,department_id from EMP_UNION_1
select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,salary,department_id from EMP_UNION_2;


select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,salary,department_id from EMP_UNION_1
select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,salary,department_id from EMP_UNION_2;

select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,salary,department_id from EMP_UNION_2
select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,salary,department_id from EMP_UNION_1;

drop table EMP_UNION_2;

drop table EMP_UNION_1;

create table emp_union_1 as select employee_id,first_name,last_name,email,phone_number,
salary,department_id from employees where salary >12000;

create table emp_union_2 as select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,
salary,department_id from employees where salary >15000;

select * from emp_union_1
select * from emp_union_2;
–A-01789: query block has incorrect number of result columns

select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,salary,department_id from emp_union_1
select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,salary,department_id from emp_union_2;

select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,salary,department_id from emp_union_1
union ALL
select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,salary,department_id from emp_union_2;


select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,salary,department_id from emp_union_1
select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,salary,department_id from emp_union_2;

select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,salary,department_id from emp_union_1
select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,salary,department_id from emp_union_2;

select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,salary,department_id from emp_union_2
select employee_id,first_name,email,phone_number,salary,department_id from emp_union_1;

— How to find a duplicate record

select employee_id,count(*) from emp_union_1 group by employee_id;

select employee_id,count(*) from emp_union_1 group by employee_id having count(*) >1;

select employee_id,count(*) from emp_union_2 group by employee_id having count(*) >1;

— how to delete a deplicate record

delete from emp_union_1 where rowid not in (
select max(rowid) from emp_union_1 group by employee_id);




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