NiC IT Academy

PLSQL Quiz -4

By Mr.Chandra


1) The Implicit cursors are created in order to process the ____ statements.

2) Which of the following is/are an/the implicit cursor's attribute(s)?

3) For __ control over the context area, programmers can define explicit cursors.

4) In the PL/SQL Block, Explicit cursors are defined in ___________ section.

5) On the ____ statements, the explicit cursors are created which return rows more than one.

6) Which of the following is the correct syntax to create the Explicit Cursor?

7) Which of the following is the correct syntax to fetch the cursor?

8) Which clause is used to open the cursor?

9) Which clause is used to close the cursor?

10) Whenever a specified event occurs, the ____ is automatically triggered by the Oracle engine.

11) In which event(s) trigger is executed?

12) Which of the following is database operation?

13) What does INSERT or UPDATE or DELETE clauses do in Trigger syntax?

14) Which clause(s) is/are used to specify when the trigger will get executed?

15) Which clause is used to create trigger on a view?

16) WHEN condition is valid for which triggers?

17) Which keyword is used to query the table in the same trigger?

18) Which of the following is an advantage of trigger?

19) Which of the following clause is not present in the syntax of trigger?

20) Tables, views, schemas, or databases can be defined as ________ for events.

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