NiC IT Academy

Azure Devops Interview Questions Set 01

Published On: 22 July 2024

Last Updated: 11 September 2024

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1. What is DevOps?

DevOps is a methodology aimed at enhancing work efficiency throughout the software development lifecycle. It’s like an ongoing cycle emphasizing communication, collaboration, and integration. DevOps combines software development (Dev) and operations (Ops) to streamline the software delivery process. It’s more than just practices and tools; it’s a cultural philosophy focusing on automating and integrating functions between development and IT teams. DevOps fosters faster and more efficient software delivery by emphasizing communication, collaboration, and integration between teams.

2. What are the key components of Azure DevOps? 

Azure DevOps comprises several crucial components that facilitate collaboration, automate workflows, and streamline software delivery. Here’s an overview of the key components:

Azure Boards

Azure Boards serves as the core project management tool, offering teams a flexible work tracking system. It enables planning, tracking, and discussions across the development process.

Azure Repos

Azure Repos is a version control system designed to efficiently manage and track changes to codebases. Supporting both centralized and distributed version control systems like Git, it ensures compatibility with various development workflows.

Azure Pipelines

Azure Pipelines automates build, test, and deployment processes, playing a vital role in DevOps practices. It supports continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, allowing teams to automate the entire software delivery lifecycle.

Azure Test Plans

Azure Test Plans provide comprehensive testing capabilities, aiding teams in delivering high-quality software. It facilitates test planning, tracking, and coordination, ensuring thorough test coverage and timely issue resolution.

Azure Artifacts

Azure Artifacts offers a centralized package management system, simplifying the management and distribution of code dependencies. It allows teams to create, host, and share packages seamlessly across projects and teams.

3. Why is DevOps important?

 DevOps is crucial because it facilitates shorter development cycles, faster innovation, reduced deployment failures, improved communication and collaboration, and easier application maintenance. By leveraging automation and accelerated processes, DevOps teams enhance reliability and increase deployment frequency. The primary goal of adopting DevOps is to streamline the software development process, making it faster, more efficient, and more secure. Its benefits include continuous software delivery, improved team collaboration, simplified deployment, enhanced efficiency and scalability, and strengthened application security.

4. How does DevOps function? 

DevOps operates as a set of practices, tools, and cultural principles that automate and integrate processes between software development and IT teams. It emphasizes team empowerment, cross-functional communication, collaboration, and automation. Often, development and operations teams merge into a single unit, where engineers work across the entire application lifecycle, possessing a variety of skills. Tools are used to automate processes, enhancing reliability and efficiency. A DevOps toolchain encompasses essential DevOps principles like continuous integration, continuous delivery, automation, and collaboration. DevOps values extend beyond development teams; when applied to security, for example, it becomes DevSecOps, integrating security seamlessly into the development process.

5. What are Forks in Azure DevOps?

Picture having a delectable slice of cake in front of you. Now, someone takes a fork and delicately separates a piece that mirrors the original slice. That’s essentially what a fork does in Azure DevOps. A fork in Azure DevOps is a complete replica of a repository, containing all files, commits, and branches. It functions independently from the original repository, and changes made in one do not automatically reflect in the other. To share changes, developers can use pull requests to propose and merge their modifications back to the original repository. Forks facilitate parallel development, allowing multiple developers to work on a project simultaneously without disrupting each other. It encourages collaboration, experimentation, and thorough code review before integrating changes into the main repository.

6. What is Azure DevOps?

Azure DevOps is a Microsoft service built on the Azure cloud platform, offering a comprehensive set of tools to manage the entire software development lifecycle. It provides integrated features accessible via web browsers or IDE clients and supports Agile methodologies, source control, build and release services, and application insights.

7. What are the advantages of DevOps?

 DevOps brings numerous benefits, including accelerated feature delivery, more reliable operating environments, enhanced communication and collaboration, increased innovation time, improved customer satisfaction, agility, quality, and security, along with a competitive edge. DevOps also boosts efficiency through automation, optimizes business processes, enhances software development and deployment speed and stability, and refocuses on customer needs.

8. Azure DevOps offers three main access levels:

  1. Stakeholder Access: Provides free access for an unlimited number of users to collaborate on projects with restricted features.
  2. Basic Access: Offers comprehensive access to features such as source control, work items, build pipelines, and project settings.
  3. Basic + Test Plans Access: Includes all Basic features and adds access to Azure Test Plans for extensive testing capabilities.

9. What are Azure Pipelines?

 Azure Pipelines is a powerful tool that automates the building and testing of code projects. It integrates continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous testing to streamline the development cycle and ensure the quality of your code. For more details, refer to the official Microsoft documentation on Azure Pipelines.

10. What does CAMS stand for in DevOps?

CAMS stands for Culture, Automation, Measurement, and Sharing, which are the four key pillars that drive the success of DevOps practices.

  • Culture: The mindset and values that foster collaboration, communication, and continuous improvement within an organization.
  • Automation: The use of tools to automate manual and repetitive tasks, enhancing efficiency and reducing errors.
  • Measurement: The collection and analysis of data to gain insights into the performance and effectiveness of software development and operations processes.
  • Sharing: The emphasis on collaboration, knowledge sharing, and continuous learning within and across teams.

11. What is the role of AWS in DevOps?

 AWS plays a crucial role in DevOps by providing a comprehensive set of flexible services that enable companies to enhance their product development and delivery using DevOps practices. AWS supports organizations in adopting a cultural mindset along with practices and tools that accelerate the delivery of applications and services at high velocity.

For example, AWS offers:

  • Amazon EC2: Scalable computing resources.
  • AWS CloudFormation: Infrastructure provisioning.
  • AWS CodeDeploy: Automating application deployment.
  • AWS CloudWatch: Monitoring performance.

These services, among others, facilitate the seamless integration of DevOps practices into the development process, promoting collaboration between development and operations teams and supporting a continuous delivery model.

12. What are some popular tools of DevOps?

DevOps tools facilitate efficient collaboration, automation, and continuous delivery throughout the software development lifecycle. Some essential tools include:

  • Version Control Tool: Git (GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket) – Tracks code changes and enables seamless team collaboration.
  • Build Tool: Maven – Automates project management and dependency control using XML-based configuration.
  • Continuous Integration Tool: Jenkins – Automates code integration, early issue detection, and resolution.
  • Configuration Management Tool: Chef – Automates infrastructure and application deployment with a declarative approach.
  • Configuration Management Tool: Puppet – Automates infrastructure and software management using a declarative language.

13. What are containers, and what containers do Azure DevOps support?

Containers are lightweight and isolated virtual packages for running applications. They include all necessary files without the overhead of an entire OS. Azure DevOps supports various containers, including Docker, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Asp.Net with containers, and Azure Service Fabric with Docker. Docker simplifies app management, AKS handles scalability, Asp.Net ensures secure integration, and Azure Service Fabric provides custom support. Containers enable the packaging of software, dependencies, and configurations, simplifying deployment and CI/CD pipelines.

14. Explain the role of the Scrum Master in Azure Boards. 

The Scrum Master in Azure Boards facilitates the team’s progress by removing impediments, resolving issues, and promoting continuous improvement. They act as team members, cheerleaders, and coaches, ensuring the team stays focused on their goals and adheres to agile practices.

15. What do you understand by a pull request in Azure Repos?

A pull request (PR) in Azure Repos is a feature that enables developers to propose code changes to a Git repository’s main branch for review and merge. It fosters collaboration by allowing team members to review and provide feedback on the changes. Once approved, the changes can be merged into the main branch, ensuring code consistency and adherence to project standards. Azure Repos integrates code review, discussions, and automated workflows for smoother collaboration and code management.

16. How can you achieve high availability and disaster recovery in Azure DevOps?

To achieve high availability and disaster recovery in Azure DevOps:

  • Use Azure DevOps Service: Leverage Microsoft’s cloud-based Azure DevOps Service, which is highly available and globally distributed, managed by Microsoft’s infrastructure.
  • Replicate Repositories with Azure Repos: Create redundant copies of Git repositories across multiple regions to ensure continuous access to source code in case of primary repository unavailability.
  • Backup and Restore: Establish a robust backup and restore strategy for critical data like work items, source code, and build artifacts to minimize downtime and data loss.
  • Disaster Recovery Planning: Create a well-defined disaster recovery plan outlining procedures to recover from various failure scenarios, including hardware failures, natural disasters, or cyber-attacks.

17. How can you automate the creation of Azure resources using Azure DevOps? 

Azure DevOps can automate the creation of Azure resources using ARM templates and Azure CLI/PowerShell tasks. Define the desired infrastructure in an ARM template, commit it to your repository, and Azure Pipelines will trigger the deployment process whenever the template is updated. This ensures consistent, reliable infrastructure setup without manual intervention.

18. How can you monitor and track the progress of a project in Azure DevOps?

 To monitor and track the progress of projects in Azure DevOps:

  • Dashboards: Use customizable dashboards to showcase vital project metrics at a glance.
  • Reports: Utilize pre-defined and custom reports to analyze work items, build and release performance, and code quality.
  • Work Tracking: Leverage Azure Boards’ tracking tools, including backlogs, boards, and queries, to visualize and manage the progress of tasks, user stories, and bugs.

19. How does Azure DevOps handle security and compliance? 

Azure DevOps ensures security and compliance through:

  • Access Control: Implementing role-based access control (RBAC) to manage user permissions.
  • Encrypted Communication: Ensuring all data in transit is encrypted.
  • Compliance Certifications: Adhering to certifications such as ISO 27001, SOC 1 and SOC 2, GDPR, and HIPAA.
  • Data Protection: Providing data protection measures like backups and geo-redundancy.
  • Documentation: Offering detailed documentation on security controls and practices.

20. How can you integrate Azure DevOps with other tools and services? 

Integrating Azure DevOps with other tools and services enhances your DevOps workflow. Some integration options include:

  • Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) Tools: Use Azure Pipelines or integrate with existing CI/CD tools like Jenkins.
  • Infrastructure Automation and Configuration Management: Integrate with tools like Ansible, Chef, Puppet, or Terraform for provisioning and managing Azure resources.
  • Project Management Tools: Sync with project management tools like Jira for tracking work items and progress.
  • Monitoring and Logging Tools: Integrate with monitoring tools like Azure Monitor, Splunk, or Datadog for real-time insights and logging.


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